To register with us please download, fill in and return the following documents to the nursery;
Policies and procedures are essential to help us provide good quality provision that is compliant with the statutory framework for the Early Years foundation stage (EYFS). They do this by explaining to staff and parents about the type of childcare we offer and what actions we take in practice to achieve this.
The EYFS requires providers to have written policies and procedures and to provide staff with training at induction to ensure that they fully understand and know how to implement the policies and procedures and to ensure they are accessible and clearly explained to parents.
The policies are available to view, and these are located in our reception area. At your request we can email or print copies if required.
Read our list of policies & procedures below:
Implementation and review procedure
Risk assessment
Generic risk assessment form
Access audit form
Prioritised place risk assessment form
Group rooms, stair ways and corridors
Children’s bathrooms/changing areas
Short trips, outings and excursions
Staff cloakrooms
Maintenance and repairs
Staff personal safety
Threats and abuse towards staff and volunteers
Entrances and approach to the building
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
Manual handling
Festival (and other) decorations
Jewellery and hair accessories
Notifiable incident, non-child protection
Terrorist threat/attack and lock-down
Fire Safety
Fire safety
Fire safety risk assessment form
Health Policy
Accidents and emergency treatment
Administration of medicine
Health care plan form
Life-saving medication and invasive treatments
Allergies and food intolerance
Poorly children
Oral health
Promoting inclusion, equality and valuing diversity policy
Promoting inclusion, equality and valuing diversity
Safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults policy
Responding to safeguarding or child protection concerns
Child welfare and protection summary
Safeguarding incident reporting form
Confidential safeguarding incident report form
Allegations against staff, volunteers or agency staff
Visitor or intruder on the premises
Uncollected child
Missing child
Incapacitated parent
Death of a child on-site
Looked after children
Care plan for looked after children form
Key person supervision
Record keeping policy
Children’s records and data protection
Privacy notice
Confidentiality, recording and sharing information
Client access to records
Transfer of records
Staff, volunteers and students policy
Staff deployment
Deployment of volunteers and parent helpers
Student placement
Childcare practice policy
Waiting list and admissions
About our childcare
Application to join
Childcare registration form
Childcare terms and conditions
Prime times – The role of the key person
Prime times – Settling in and transitions
Establishing children’s starting points
Prime times – Arrivals and departures
Prime times – Snack-times and mealtimes (older children)
Prime times – Intimate care and nappy changing
Prime times – Sleep and rest time
Promoting positive behaviour
Identification, assessment and support for children with SEND
SEN Support: Initial record of concern form
SEN Support: Action plan
Prime times – Transition to school
Progress check at age two
Progress check at age two form
Working in partnership with parents and other agencies policy
Working in partnership with parents and other agencies
Complaints procedure for parents and service users