B E T T ' S   P A R K

Settling in Sessions

We run a series of settling in sessions to welcome our new arrivals. Children join the pre-school at various times throughout the year. Settling in sessions aim to provide reassurance for the children and their families and help staff to get to know the new children. Once your child is registered we will invite your child to a taster session.

Taster Session

First there is a 1-hour taster session, allowing your child to experience a typical session at preschool. This is a chance to get to know the staff team and your child’s key worker. We will discuss the nursery routines and the individual settling in arrangements for your child. This is the perfect opportunity for parents to ask any further questions and for staff to ensure that all the child’s registration documents have been completed.

Your Unique Child

To support us in getting to know your child we ask you to fill in a ‘Unique Child document and we will talk through this with you. We want to know all about your child’s interests, their likes and dislikes, any concerns that you may have prior to your child starting at the preschool, and anything that may help them to settle. The more information we have the better at this stage. For example, some children like to request a particular activity that they know they will be able to do when they arrive on their first day, others enjoy the surprise element.


Parents/carers will be notified by letter or e-mail that a place has been allocated and are requested to confirm the placement is still required. A mutual date for the taster session will then be organised.
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